A groundbreaking mixed-use project in the Heart of the Mother City

The Herringbone Salt River
Cape Town, South Africa

The project features 398 apartments, retail space, and various amenities, prioritizing affordability in housing.

Main Application
Housing and Multi-Storey Buildings
Project participants
Specialist Contractor: Tri-Star Construction
  • This groundbreaking mixed-use project features 398 exceptional apartments, 930m² of retail space, a clubhouse, gym, co-working area and a communal terrace, prioritizing affordability in housing
    The Herringbone Salt River
  • A key element of the PERI Solution on site: The PD 5 Shoring System:
    The Herringbone Salt River
  • the innovative HANDSET Alpha on site
    The Herringbone Salt River
  • The PD 5 Shoring System on site.
    The Herringbone Salt River

Project Information

Tri-Star Construction
Tri-Star Construction
William Hans
Constracts Manager | Tri-Star Contruction
"At first, I had reservations about choosing PERI, as they only provide design and supply services rather than full fit-out solutions. This meant taking a more hands-on approach in selecting the best kit. After careful evaluation, we went with HANDSET Alpha, MULTIFLEX, and PD5 Shoring. The system proved efficient, easy to handle, and highly reliable exceeding our expectations. We look forward to working with PERI again."

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